Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Outside for the First Time

Samuel was able to hit another big milestone in his life today.  Sam was able to go outside on a walk for the first time.  Sure private planes and big trucks are fun to ride in, but nothing compares to the freedom of enjoying a leisurely stroll outside.  He was also able to bring along his Super Sam cape. We tested it out in the wind in order to make sure that it was suitable for soaring.  It definitely passed the test.  Being outside with our Samuel was an amazing experience, and I'm so glad that most of the family was able to be there to be a part of it. 

You will also notice in the pictures below that were able to see our Sam in a whole new way.  He is now free from his ventilator, NG tube, and his IV with the shunt on it.  We thought he was perfect before, but now you can't help but stare at this beautiful boy!  Anyway, I'll let the following pictures speak for themselves. It was another amazing day with our Super Sam!


  1. What a gorgeous day to go out and play! What beautiful memories you are making!

  2. Amazing photos...how great the sun was shining for Sam first outing, truly a gift from God! Thank you for the pics <3 lots of love for you all :)
