Monday, April 8, 2013

Rough news

Today Melissa and Jeremy learned some news that no parent should ever have to hear. There are decisions to be made in the next 24 hours that are impossible decisions to make. Please pray that they get all the information they need to make the best decision possible. They need your prayers more than ever.


  1. Melissa and Jeremy,
    Congratulations on the birth of your son! He is so precious. I am one of Kevin's (from the shop) sisters. We have been praying for Samuel since we first learned of his condition. I think about him multiple times a day and check this website often to see how he is progressing. I am so sorry to hear that you are now being faced with such difficult decisions. I hope you can find comfort in knowing that so many people are praying for the 3 of you. We will continue to pray for your family and the decisions you have to make. What a wonderful example of faith and love you have been to Samuel already. May God bless you all!
    -The Naujoks

  2. ♥♡♥ (((hugs))) most importantly prayers for all. Lord God, we know that you love precious Sam, Melissa and Jeremy, that you are there for them to lean on and seek wisdom, I ask that You give them clear direction in the decisions that they must make. May they feel your presence and your loving arms around them every second. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

    Wanda Belknap
